
Vänju (pronounce Venue) is a social location client to advertise and view where you and your friends are i.e. at a venue or a mall.

Please note that one need to have a twitter account to use Vänju.

Take a picture of a map and place your pin somewhere on it and send to twitter. The picture is saved at yfrog.com.

Your own pin is green. When viewing an image you can drag the pin out of the navigation bar that is on top and place it in the picture where you are at the moment, or it can just be on something you want your friends to put their attention to. Have fun!

When you want to delete a picture, hold you finger on it until a question dialog is shown.

The name Vänju is a play with the swedish words vän and ju, in english it would be something like, friend - of course.

Vänju includes MGTwitterEngine code by Matt Gemmell
Vänju is a Free download at the iTunes App Store .

Version history
1.0 First release
iPhone or iPod touch with firmware 3.1.2 or higher

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